The Advantages of Lexlife Consultants

Hiring a consultant, or contractor, instead of a full-time employee, or in replacement of developing learning internally, can be a big change for an organisation, but a strategic one. Here are some advantages to consider when opting to work with our Lexlife team.

Why Consultants?

Cost Efficiency

Lexlife consultants are paid on a project or hourly basis, saving costs associated with employee benefits, taxes, super and long-term costly commitments.


Hiring a Lexlife consultant allows for flexibility in staffing based on project needs. You can easily scale up or down as required. You can rely on us when you need us.

Reduced Responsibilities

Lexlife consultants are responsible for taxes, insurance, and benefits, reducing the administrative burden on your end, all while reducing your internal teams workload.

Quick Onboarding

Lexlife consultants have a shorter onboarding time compared to full-time employees, making them quicker to integrate into your projects. We offer a team approach, which means more availability, capability and scalability.


A Lexlife consultant can bring a fresh, unbiased perspective to your projects and processes. We bring our universal experiences to every project, to share our learnings from working with global organisations solving their learning needs.

Specialised Skills

Lexlife Consultants bring niche expertise and specialized skills that may not be required on a continuous basis. When you hire one of us, you get the skills of the entire team. We love working together to share ideas and offer the best results for our clients.

Why Lexlife?

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Team Atmosphere

Sometimes, being dependent on one individual for a project can be risky. We offer a team atmosphere, this means we will work together to assist or adjust to your needs in real-time. We truly care about our clients and the projects we deliver and will be loyal to you and invest in your long-term success.

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Our diverse skill sets and experiences in different industries and specialties, including IT, education, real estate, mining, healthcare, human resources, software, start ups, and learning show we can tackle anything, and will always find solutions to a problem. We aren’t afraid of the common challenges of working with different integrations, industries, or solutions.

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Emerging trends and new developments in technology can affect your business faster than you think. We make it our job to stay knowledgeable in industry trends and learning developments. This allows us to detect issues early, prevent the wrong decisions and promote the right next steps for utilising great and innovative learning solutions.

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